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We deliver exceptional, end-to-end language solutions for online, hybrid and live events.

Remote Interpretation Platform

How do we deliver premium Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Solutions?


Client Consultation
and Scoping
Through detailed consultation with our clients, we scope the event's needs and requirements. We will also use our wealth of experience and knowledge to suggest improvements to our clients.

Client consultation and scoping


Planning and Setup


Our team of producers will plan and sketch the hardware, software, and personnel needed for the event based on the scoped requirements. The team then assembles a custom solution from the plan.

Planning and setup


Testing and Evaluating


Our technical team will rigorously test the solution across a range of possible scenarios to ensure a robust and effective solution for the event and that all the client requirements have been met.

Testing and evaluating


Client Demonstration


Our team will demonstrate the solution to clients. This is also an opportunity for clients to experience the solution from a delegate's perspective and make any changes or add requirements if they wish to.

Client demonstration


Training and Checks


Finally, before the event, we train client personnel and interpreters using the solution. Our technical team will also check their hardware and software to ensure that everything is ready for the event.

Training and checks

Start a conversation with us to discover how we can integrate premium language solutions into your event.

How does Remote Simultaneous Interpretation work?


Is the audience remote?


  • If the interpreters are on-site, we take the interpreter’s audio and directly stream the combined audio and video feed to the audience on their mobile phones, laptops & PCs


  • Each language has its own dedicated Audio stream, allowing audience members to enjoy a consistent viewing and listening experience.


  • Delegates use our Interpretation smartphone app to listen to their language.


Are the presenters remote?


  • The platform will capture the presenter's audio and video either directly or through our video-conferencing gateway.


  • It then streams the event to delegates through either the organiser’s preferred streaming platform or the Congress Rental RSI (remote simultaneous interpretation) app.


Are the interpreters remote?


  • Our expert technicians will take the presenter’s audio and video presentation and provide this through the remote interpretation platform to the interpreters.


  • The interpreter's audio is then fed into a dedicated language channel that both on-site and off-site audiences can listen to.

Remote Interpretation Platform features for each user:

Screen sharing


Host Control

Event chat moderation
Interpreter partner chat



Audience live event chat

Want to add languages to your event? Here's how to get started:

1. Start a conversation with one of our producers today.
2. Tell us which languages and features you would like to add.
3. Your producer will suggest the best solution matching all of your requirements.

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